Join us for a deep dive into the importance of unified analytics in the era of AI, and how Infor M3 customers can utilize these generic technologies. Also, hear our take on data -centric AI, how to leverange them, and the benefits they hold for forward-looking companies.
Dato: 7. juni 2023
Tid: 15:00 – 16:00
James Abdool, Sr. Vice President, UK & Europe
Gogula Aryalingam, Associate Vice President, Data & AI
Again, Infoteam gets help from Fortude who is a leading global enterprise and digital services company, connecting technology solutions to businesses. The company transforms end-to-end ERP implementations, adopt accelerators, and drive productivity through add-ons, integrations and extensibility on the cloud. The enterprise-wide technology services capability spans data and analytics, manages services, automation, and digital advisory.
Pris: Webinaret er gratis for Infoteams medlemsbedrifter.
For deltagere fra bedrifter som ikke er medlem i foreningen er prisen: kr. 500,- pr.- person.
Men, det er enkelt å melde seg inn og bli medlem umiddelbart. Klikk her: Medlemskap – Infor brukere
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